Last year we hosted our first Pixel Art Jam, and it was a smashing success. With 140 submissions, we saw amazing community engagement and received some wonderful art to include in both GB Studio Magazine Volume 3 and the Official Art Cart.
We’re returning with the GB Pixel Art Jam 2024, this time introducing color palettes as part of the theme!
Just like last time, participants will be given a weekend to complete a single work of original pixel art sticking to Game Boy guidelines: 160 pixel wide by 144 pixels high, and only 192 unique 8×8 tiles to allow for text display. This time though, you can chose one of four palettes that will be announced the day of the Jam. Adding color will surely open up ideas amongst artists participating, but by keeping it limited to one of four 4-color palettes, the spirit of the Jam remains, fostering creativity through restrictions.
The Jam runs from October 4th to October 6th. Find out all the details and join the Jam here:

Audio Engineer, Mac Technologist and Video Game Developer. Managing Editor of GBStudio Central. (he/him)